217 E Myrtle St

Independence, KS 67301


Independence, KS 67301

County Clerk

As an administrative agency, the Montgomery County Clerk’s Office plays a crucial role in various functions related to taxation, elections, and government recording. To maintain transparency and accountability in the tax collection process, the office is responsible for certifying and maintaining the official Tax Roll for Montgomery County, which is annually presented to the Treasurer for further processing.

In addition to the tax-related responsibilities, the County Clerk’s Office also assists in completing Homestead and Safe Senior Tax forms, ensuring that these forms adhere to all legal guidelines and requirements. The office is also responsible for maintaining the official minutes of all Montgomery County Commission meetings, providing an accurate and complete record of governmental activities.

The County Clerk serves as the authorized Election Officer, responsible for overseeing and conducting all federal, state, and local elections in Montgomery County. This critical role ensures that the democratic process is conducted fairly and efficiently, providing the foundation for a successful government.

Attention Kansas Voters:

A presidential preference primary election will be conducted in Kansas this year. The date of the election, along with the names of the candidates for the office of President will be available on the Secretary of State’s website at VoteKansas.gov or visit your local county election office for more information.

Contact Us


County Clerk


PO Box 446
Independence, KS 67301

Phone: (620) 330-1200
Fax: (620) 330-1202

Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm

Located on the first floor of the County Courthouse.