217 E Myrtle St

Independence, KS 67301


Independence, KS 67301

Environmental and Zoning

Tract or Lot Split

What is a Lot Tract Split?

Subdividing one piece of property into two pieces of property is known as a lot split or parent tract split. For example, if you have a 10-acre parcel of land and you wish to cut out or subdivide three acres of that parcel to sell or deed to someone else.

What is a Parent Tract?

A parent tract refers to a lot of record that existed as a whole parcel prior to the split. A parent tract may be divided once, without complying with the subdivision regulations provided the tract meets the minimum lot and yard requirements of the respective zoning district. Any further division of a parent tract shall be deemed to be a subdivision and must comply with these subdivision regulations.

Why the Process?

The Single Land Split process is a value-added service to the citizens of Montgomery County. By actively engaging in the land division process we can assist landowners and purchasers of land on the front-end of the process to ensure no complications arise when development permits are requested. The service is provided to ensure that each newly created lot of record meets the minimum building site requirements for its zoning district, the building has proper access, and other similar provisions associated with the land development code have been addressed. A parent tract can only be split one time without having to go through subdivision regulations but must meet the land requirements for development.

Next Steps

Before you take any steps, contact the Montgomery County Environmental and Zoning office. We can help you determine what path you might need to take. We can be reached at (620) 330-1190 or by email to Matt Debo at mdebo@wistful-pan.flywheelsites.com


This application must be completed before it can be submitted for consideration as well as signed by the property owner. Submission of this form assumes that the owner and adgent have review the County's Subdivision Rules and Regulations. Please include three copies of the drawings or survey. The filing fee is required prior to submission to the Planning Commission. The fee is $50.00.

Land Information

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Form Submission

This application must be completed before it can be submitted for consideration as well as signed by the property owner. Submission of this form assumes that the owner and agent have review the County's Subdivision Rules and Regulations. Please include three copies of the drawings or survey. The filing fee is required prior to submission to the Planning Commission. The fee is $50.00.
By typing your name above (Electronic Signature) you agree with the accuracy of the information presented.

Contact Us

Matt Debo





217 E Myrtle St
Independence, KS 67301

Phone: (620) 330-1190

Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm

Located on the basement level of the County Courthouse.